What will the next few months in gaming look like?
Well, it has been a crazy 14 months since last March. The loss of in-person games and the stress of school really weighed down on me mentally for quite some time. But at the very least the year of COVID has brought families and loved ones closer together, and that is a truly beautiful thing. If all goes well, we should be going back to in-person games soon and more time should be free for games, events, and writing. With things beginning to open back up a little and as more and people are getting vaccinated, life as we knew it should be returning to normalcy, although it will be a new normal.
Everyone should try to keep in mind our schedule moving forward. The game masters try to put as much time into planning as they can, with as much forewarning of dates as we can, because we know that everyone’s life is busy. So, make sure to click whether you can go or not to the events. Most of the Geeks have voted, and Top Golf was a resounding victory. To the BBQ voters, fear not! We should be having something small within the next few months as well. Top Golf event is up, so please try to save the date if you can make it. Top Golf is not only a great way to have fun while making a huge ass of yourself in front of your friends, but they also have a great restaurant and bar.
The Forgotten Realms game is in full swing. This is the highest-level campaign for many of our newer players as we are now fully in tier 3 level of play, within Adventurer’s League. It has been fun, as our players scrape by to survive a cruel and dangerous world in Ravenloft. Although this group is fully vaccinated, we will be finishing off this game on Roll20 due to funding by our wonderful players and sponsors. We will return to our normally programmed gaming first week of September.
The Star Wars game has grown and expanded over the last couple of months. We here at TTG would like to take the time to welcome Ash, and Christian to our table. Thank you all for coming. This group of scoundrels has found itself embroiled within the galactic civil war, and has made itself an invaluable to the Rebellion. This game, since it is a little smaller and due to their being almost zero support on Roll20 for older Star Wars game settings, will be moving back to in-person by July. Keep an eye out for invites.
We here at the Guild fully intend to have in-person games by the end of Summer. In-person Star Wars games will begin again on July 3rd, and in-person Forgotten Realms games will start again on September 4th. But we will still be following protocols suggested by the CDC. Meaning, the house would like to see everyone’s vaccination card at least one, if you are sick STAY HOME, and we probably will not be bringing food to share for a while. I know, everyone, I miss the snacks most of all, too! If anyone has an issue with this, thinks we should start in-person sooner, or feel that the rules are not stringent enough, please send us an email or IM.
The Geeks have spoken and it looks like our next module for Adventurer’s League will be the Tomb of Horrors. As mentioned previously keep your calendar and minds open, as these dates are tentative an assume that the world does not face a worse global catastrophe over the next few months. Sorry, I like my nihilism sunny-side up. New Adventurer’s League in-person game starts on September 4th! Venue will remain at Grant’s.
A few here at the guild have brought up the prospect of group terrain. This has been a responsibility usually shouldered by us here behind the dungeon master’s screen, but how would people feel about throwing in on things like community terrain, models, and paints to help liven up our games even more? I know everyone’s wallet is a little tight, right now. Let me know your thoughts and ideas, I would love to hear from you!