More photos from our recent sessions!

A Site Geared FOR Gamers, BY Gamers
More photos from our recent sessions!
We had our first D&D 5E game in a year and a half and I remembered to take a few pictures this time! We were well fed with wine, pizza, and birthday cake. We got to use terrain that has been sitting on the shelf for a while. And we got to kill an evil witch! Special thanks to Anthony for letting us use his Hobby Badger shop as a venue and for supplying pizza and drinks, as well as for Brett and Grant for bringing a chocolate cake so rich that I physically felt myself acquiring diabetes. It was great that everyone was able to show up and play again after so long. I personally had a blast and hope you all did as well!
Everyone knows the best way to send a bull into a killing frenzy is to wave a red cape in its face. Those that can survive after performing such an act become Matadors, and even those guys may eventually get a horn up their rectum (2d6+9 piercing damage).
So it’s generally considered a bad idea to wave red objects in front of a bull’s face. Now, take the Minotaur, which has the head (and therefore, logically, the brain) of a bull, and the body of a man (except for the feet, which are bull hooves sometimes). It stands to reason that red would also spark the ire of the Minotaur.
Continue reading “Seeing Red: Enraging the Minotaur”Consider this my nerd resume:
I have had the good fortune to be introduced to AD&D at a young age, whereupon I was immediately hooked. But it wasn’t until 2000, when D&D 3.0 came out, that I developed a solid grasp of the rules (to this day, I cannot calculate thac0). Since then, I’ve been a DM and a player in multiple campaigns using RPG systems such as D&D (all editions since 3rd), Pathfinder, D20 Modern, and D20 Star Wars: Saga Edition. So far, the later is my favorite.